Sunday, December 2, 2012

stray thoughts

my apologies if this all sounds overly serious, feedback would be welcome:

process, practice, preparation, performance, learning, teaching ("vs.") product, status, power, the "impersonal," heaven, god

Still, it's good to make a living

the digression or tangent or association vs. an equally subjective linear arrangment

collage, mosaic, montage, assemblage vs. treatise

Roman numeral outlines

languages of power, ideolects, dialects, markers

indepedent labels and major labels

live vs. recorded

mistakes; hidden mistakes, corrected mistakes

playing scales and a few bars over and over

ideal, perfect vs. actual

the essay-as-genre, form, ontological mode, epistemological mode ("vs.") the verdict, judgement, questions with "yes-no" answers

Lukacs: "the essential, the value-determining thing about the essay is not the verdict, as is the case with the system, but the process of judging" ("On the Nature and Form of the Essay")

Nacmanovitch essay, "The Power of Limits"

cf. the beginning of George Steiner's Real Presences: the primary text, the primary work as opposed to all secondary commentary except for descriptive comments

Plato's Republic: what artistic, literary forms we should admit into the ideal republic--poems and songs praising virtuous role models, or the poems of Homer

"the personal" or private as opposed to the public, the political

partial, fragmentary, as opposed to totalizing modes of thought and philosophy (the treatise, the system)

recursivity, a-linearity vs. linearity

form: Montaignean vs. Ciceronian

avoiding binaries, oppositions

"negative space"?

"what gets left on the cutting room floor"

the "petit recit" ("the disproportionate power of the small") as opposed to the "gran recit"

Van Gogh's last painting and dying in poverty as opposed to his paintings selling a century later for millions

the primary, lived experience vs. commentaries

in praise of the impure--cf. Primo Levi

"In Praise of Shadows," Junichiro Tanizaki

inductive vs. deductive modes of reasoning, thinking; drawing a generalization from particulars, as opposed to proceeding from a theory to make the particulars fit the theory

theory, generalization as opposed to that which doesn't fit the generalization

"showing and telling" "telling rather than showing" "showing" 

an adjective as opposed to specifics, particulars

"the point" -- suggesting only one possible interpretation 

winning vs. losing; "agon"--for every winner in every contest, competition, there has to be a loser

Phillip Lopate: the essayist's "circling"--cf. Montaigne, "On Some Verses of Virgil"

Medieval vs. Renaissance

temporary, ephemeral vs. "permanent"

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